Mobile AppDevelopment Services
Build better Mobile Apps that directly communicate & engage with your customers across a wide array of platforms: iOS, Android, Hybrid, PWA, Wearable, AR/VR and AI. Increase sales & get better ROI. Get a Free Quote.
Modernize Your Applications and Digital Solutions to Stay Focused on Growth!
Enterprise is an amalgam of various business processes and core functions. The unfortunate truth is that most enterprises get stuck in processes and lack of resources when it comes to adopting digital transformation and developing relevant applications. The ‘black swan’ event of COVID-19 has added to the conundrum.
When Staqo helps develop or modernize an enterprise application; it considers it in a holistic, last-mile and long-tail way. It looks at it the way an enterprise would and ask the right questions – what resources are needed to rapidly and correctly develop this application? Would it be able to crosstalk with others? Would it be low-maintenance or a burden? Would it be future proofed for other technologies and paradigms that might come up?
With Our Custom Application Development Services, You Can

Get customized app development support. Whether you need to outsource a project or you want to build your own offshore app development team — we have got you covered.

Speed up Time-To-Market for your applications.

Scale up and scale out rapidly to meet the surge in demand for skilled developers for complex software applications.

Reduce management overheads for application development. Our FTE engagement model for the Build Your Own Team (BYOT) allows you to plan better and economically utilize your resources.

Tap into a vast pool of our experts and developers with skillsets spread across a wide array of technology.
Our Core Capabilities

Years of Experience

App Developers across leading applications and technologies

Industry Recognition, Awards & Accolades
Our Application Development Services
Our Enterprise Application Development & Optimization Services help you to transform your business value chain for unprecedented digital acceleration.

Full Lifecycle Development

Application Modernization

App Migration To Cloud

Enterprise APIs & Microservices

Blockchain-based Applications

Mobile App Development

AI/ML-Based Applications

Application Management

Integration Services

IOT-Based Applications

DevOps – Cloud/OnPremise

AR/VR-based Applications
Why Staqo
A 100% subsidiary of a US$360 million conglomerate, Staqo is an enterprise IT platform and services organization with two core differentiating attributes: Built for Scale; Built on Uniqueness.
Staqo is a trusted IT Solutions partner to many large firms across the globe. With Staqo, you can equip your business with strength, simplicity, clarity and confidence. We can help your business navigate through the new normal and take the next big leap.