Without the ‘stumbling’ blocks
Remember that turning point when Internet arrived and upended everything? History is repeating itself with a new backbone – Blockchain.
Yes, Blockchain is a big deal for any and every business you can think of. Because Data is time-stamped on this chain. There is no middle-man. Nowhere. Plus, Since the whole system is sprawled all across the world and immutable, every party can be assured of utter transparency. Nothing can be changed or edited. Everything is visible to the parties involved. There is no room for corruption. If you go closer, you will also love its real-time flavor. Entries are recorded right then and there, as and when, they get generated. Parties are spared of latency, delay and bureaucracy – finally!
And above all, it is all big-scale and complex Mathematics – which means safety here is not in some perimeter, but somewhere deep within and hard.
Now, are you not excited to be part of this bundle of never-before possibilities?
Our Blockchain Offerings
Staqo brings to you a well-rounded and strongly-furnished spectrum of blockchain capabilities

Identity Management

Records Management

Private Blockchains

Consortium Blockchains

Ethereum, DLT, R3 Corda capabilities

Hyperledger Projects

Permissioned Blockchains

Permissionless Blockchains

Lightning Network Solutions

Plasma Solutions
Untangle Your Business
Staqo is putting its best people, resources, innovations and tools to work to give its customers the best possible outcomes out of blockchain, while addressing key challenges like:
It’s Going To Be a Blockchain World Soon. Don’t Be Late To The Party!
When you use Blockchain through Staqo, you are putting a radical idea to actual use – minus the risks and doubts that accompany it. Get together with Staqo and make this backbone work to your best advantage!