It Changed Economics, Geography and Mathematics.But Chemistry?
Despite the extreme buzz and extraordinary upheaval brought in by Cloud Computing, studies after studies remind the industry that many enterprises still struggle to convert their cloud investments into hassle-free, outage-free, threat-free and ROI-friendly decisions. It is a technology that every big and small industry player is catering for. But only a few users and providers have been able to crack the tricks of embracing cloud – at scale, with impact, without friction and without unwanted spill-overs.
Staqo approaches Cloud Computing from a unique angle – its tools straddle across a variety of scenarios but while making sure that a Cloud investment is addressed not for a one-day trumpet but for a long-haul chorus. We are helping businesses of many stripes go through faster deployment, expand on-demand capacity, successfully change CapEx from OpEx, lower data centre costs, optimize IT outsourcing benefits and avoid fragmentation. Our Cloud do not bloat, they deliver. They align tightly with your special context. We tune them in – that very way.
Our Cloud Offerings
With Staqo you are sure that Cloud investments happen smoothly, successfully and sustainably – thanks to our competencies in:

Cloud Mapping and Optimisation

Cloud Architecture

Cloud Implementation

Data Transition and Workload Migration

Workload Management

APIs and Application Management

Security and DR


Serverless Infrastructure

SaaS, PaaS and IaaS

Cloud Networks and Storage


On-premise Clouds

Hybrid Clouds

Private Clouds

Public Clouds
Lighten Up you Business Loads
Not everyone can tap the myriad advantages that Cloud technology is endowed with. Staqo’s vast and versatile experience helps you to translate all those on-paper bullet-points into actual business outcomes. We do this by attacking confusion areas like:
Cloud Is Powerful! But Build Your Muscles Well To Lift it
Staqo is deft and dedicated to arming enterprises with the strategic clarity and execution confidence they need for leveraging real Cloud impact. Do it the Staqo way and see the difference.